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Writer's pictureManny Wilson

33 motivational quotes to help you get through a tough time.

Manny Wilson, Founder of The Run USA.

Sometimes vulnerability is viewed as a weakness when in reality it takes much more strength to be vulnerable in life than to keep things tucked away. Wounds will never heal if they are never revealed. The purpose of these quotes are to help everyone (friends, family, associates etc.) with something they are going through in life. We all have our battles we’re fighting so why not help one another?

The quotes below stem from a broad range of multiple sources such as podcast, readings, songs, strangers, friends, family etc. These words are a collective of things that were once heard over the years in my life. There is absolutely no intention to claim full credit of the quotes from multiple sources. The only intention is to help readers of all kind.

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  • "What if the change you’ve been avoiding is the change that will give you your wings."

  • "The pressures of life are not bias. Life is brought to you not to break you but to make you."

  • "Don’t be conformed by the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"

  • "Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."

  • "Growth and comfort is like Oil and water. They don’t mix. You have to be in an uncomfortable situation in order to change and grow."

  • "If you can’t think it, you won’t believe it."

  • "The force that is with you is greater than all forces against you."

  • "The enemy wouldn’t be trying to stop you if he didn’t know something amazing was in your future."

  • "Let your purpose determine your priorities, and your priorities determine your plans.

  • "Diamonds are only lumps of coal that stuck to their plans."

  • "Tough times are placed upon us because we are being put through a process!"

  • "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt.

  • "A saint ain't nothing but a sinner that fall and is thankful he can get back up."

  • "Anything you do that is not done to help transform you into a better person is considered a waste of time."

  • "Can't change others till you change yourself."

  • "Great things never come from being in your comfort zone."

  • "Until you push your limits you don’t know what’s capable."

  • "Anytime you talk about peace things will happen that will test you & get on your nerve."

  • "What’s in store for your future is not worthy to be compared to what’s behind you. Let it go."

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These incredibly inspiring books may also help!


Follow Manny on twitter & instagram @IamMannyWilson .


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